Tuesday, March 19, 2013

New Vision = New Fears

So we are making big progress with sitting that came along with the glasses and new vision for Madilyn but along with the progress comes the expected few steps backwards also.  We have recently found that when we take her glasses off she clings desperately to us.  When I am bringing her up to bed at night or downstairs in the morning I have to hold her very tightly with both arms and she just clings to me.  Clings to the point of if I take one arm off to carry my coffee etc. she will try to climb up the front of me crying and hanging on for dear life.  It makes me happy and sad at the same time that her glasses have made such a difference.  Happy because the progress is great and it's obvious how much of the world they have opened up for her yet sad when I can hear the fear in her cries when it's something as simple as carrying her without them.

Tummy time has also become even more of a challenge than it already was.  She absolutely hates being on her tummy.  The new therapist has us working with a wedge with a musical light up toy to get her to spend some time on her tummy and we are progressing with that.  We were able to have her on the wedge on the bed with music on my cell phone and she didn't freak out this morning.  She also has us holding her on our chest and leaning back on the couch or wedge and this makes Madilyn use her arms to push off of us when we go too far back.  This also eases her fears cause she is in our arms.  It's a constant constant work in progress and I finally feel like we are at a point that one step forward does not equal two steps back.  We take ten steps forward and only one or two back.  This is awesome...

Over the weekend I ran into some people (several actually) while working that ask about Madilyn and tell me what saints my husband and I are for everything we do with/for Madilyn.  We do not view it this way at all, she is our blood, she is our life and she is our love.....I could not love her more if I had given birth to her myself.  The bond I have had with Madilyn from the very first moment I saw her is unexplainable.....it's like I have special heartstrings made just for her by god and she definitely knows how to pull them.

The other thing I receive lots of comments about is being so happy and positive all the time even with all the medical trips and therapy.  Being happy and positive is a conscious choice I make every single day, it's hard not to be positive when I get to wake up to the happy, smiling, cooing little girl that brightens our days.  Therapy and medical trips are part of our life and always will be, it's easier to accept them then it is to be upset or dreading them.  It is what it is so we might as well make the best of it...........and make the best of it we do especially when Madilyn gets so excited when she makes progress and we cheer her on...she gets so proud of herself, it's awesome!!!

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