So this grandma got very brave last night and made bedtime changes. Madilyn normally sleeps on the couch in her boppy pillow for about 2 hours before we head up to bed. I have tons of paranoia about putting her upstairs even with the monitor. Well last night I got brave and put her in her bed shortly after 9 and used the monitor. This is a huge step for me. Of course everything was just fine and she slept like a little angel and I took the time to just relax and hang out with my hubby and of course not take my eyes off the video monitor so I could see every little move she made.'s all progress.
We are hoping for a call that the glasses are in......they said up to 2 weeks and Thursday will be 2 weeks. I am very excited and anxious to see the changes that the glasses will make for Madilyn. I want her world to be as open as possible.
We made it about 15 minutes yesterday sitting in her booster seat playing with the cheerios. Her hand/eye coordination is improving really quick. The therapist told us she thought it would take 6 months or more before she attempted to put the cheerio in her mouth by herself and she did it yesterday. She put it to her mouth, licked it and gave me the biggest smile ever. HOORAY for frosted little treats!!!! She also loves sitting and playing with her new little lights/sounds piano so I ordered the Fisher Price bongo drums that the BHK Home visitor brought on Thursday. I swear Madilyn is going to be a drummer in a rock band when she grows up......she gets so excited when she can pound on something it's very comical to watch and brings me great joy.
For the first time in well over a month we are going visiting this afternoon. Madilyn's dad is home from college and we are heading over to his grandmother's house so they can spend some time with her. She loves her other grandma and gg (great grandparents) so I am sure she will be excited to visit. She used to go there for regular visits but the dreaded virus really set us back with feedings, coughing and sniffling. We are finally on the tail end of it and her feedings are almost back to normal now so it's time to let her spend time with the other side of her family too. With Madilyn being so tiny I am extremely cautious about what I expose her to. She gets sick very easily and it takes a very long time to overcome the setbacks that being sick causes. It messes up feedings and therapy and can take away the five steps we've made forward and turn it into ten steps backwards in the blink of an eye. While we need to protect her as much as possible we can't live in a bubble either and sometimes it's very difficult to figure out the's a constant work in progress with a million variables to consider.
The Peanugga princess just woke from her morning nap so we are going to take a bath now (she loves her baths) and get our therapy time done so we can enjoy our visit this afternoon........and hopefully next time I post I'll have pictures of her in new glasses.....
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