Friday, September 22, 2017

Can't we just be kind??

To the judgmental lady in Walmart today:
Do you know that my little girl, (the one you referred to as an ungodly brat) is a medical kiddo with severe sensory issues?  Do you know that we had just been to therapy and that being in Walmart (or any store/public place for that matter) is completely overwhelming to her?  Do you know that she doesn't have enough vocabulary to let me know that she's completely overwhelmed and can't handle the situation around her?  No, you don't.  Do you know that I pushed her too far by simply taking her in the store?  Do you care if she's okay or for that matter if I'm okay after you watched her slap me so hard it instantly brought me to tears in the checkout line?  Do you know that I am a mother to 7 children?  You know, me, the same woman you said should never have kids because my child slapped me.... I know you didn't say it directly to me but you definitely said it loud enough for me to hear that my child's behavior and my reaction to it were not acceptable to you.  I wish I had the patience to stand and explain why that even happened but today we are tired so I simply turned and through tears and told you to "Shut the fuck up and mind your own business"  I also told you that you shouldn't judge what you don't know and that I would give my life for this child and that if you had nothing nice to say than maybe you should simply keep your mouth shut.  I also should have told you that we have 17 doctors, 8 therapists, an EA and more nurses than I can count all trying to help with the situation otherwise known as our life and they are much more qualified than you to help so just shush.

It's not often that I encounter someone that loud or outright mean about Madilyn.  Typically I would just smile and move on but the past few weeks have been exhausting and I just couldn't today....

Please please please think twice before you openly be so harsh to someone... especially when you have no idea what they are dealing with... Kindness is completely free....